Abortion rights come neatly packaged with many lies. The biggest lie, perhaps, is that the “thing” being aborted is not a baby. It most certainly is a baby, and that lie is exposed elsewhere on this website.
The next huge lie is that abortion is only a woman’s issue.
I know because, in 1985 and 1991, I participated in killing two of my own children through abortion. I have paid a price ever since.
So, while you may be able to argue with an opinion, you cannot argue with an experience. I’ve had the abortion experience, and I am here to tell you that ABORTION IS NOT ONLY A WOMAN’S ISSUE.
Read on for details…
Let’s get one thing out of the way right at the start...
There is a phrase “elephant on the table” (or in the corner or in the room). This is an English idiom for an obvious truth that is being ignored, for various reasons. It is based on the fact that an elephant in a small room would be impossible to ignore. There is an elephant on the abortion debate table. That elephant is, just exactly what is being aborted? See for yourself by clicking the links below...
BE WARNED!!!! These pictures are graphic.
But, don’t blame me - I am just the messenger...
These are first trimester aborted babies
These are second trimester aborted babies
These are late term aborted babies
These are babies aborted at various stages
Thanks to Priests for Life for these photos...